Guarantees en Cataluña
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Asistencias Y Suministros Mecánicos S A
Asistencias y Suministros Mecánicos S.A es una empresa líder en el sector de reparación de automóviles, ubicada en Lleida, en la Travessia de Llivia a Carretera de Corbins. Nuestro establecimiento se ha convertido en un punto de interés para todos aquellos que buscan un servicio de calidad y confianza para el mantenimiento y reparación de sus vehículos. En Asistencias y Suministros Mecánicos S.A contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados y con una amplia experiencia en el sector, que se encargarán de ofrecerte un servicio personalizado y adaptado a las necesidades de tu automóvil. Además, disponemos de las últimas tecnologías y herramientas para garantizar un diagnóstico preciso y una reparación eficiente.
Clinica dental Reus Orthoclinic
Orthoclinic Reus is a reference dental clinic with a center located in the heart of Reus. More than 20 years of experience and professional trajectory have placed us in a recognized position as a dental clinic. Our multidisciplinary team of dentists and specialized assistants, with extensive experience in their field and constant training, offers close and technically rigorous care, aimed at providing dental solutions that guarantee patient satisfaction. Always with a focus on professional ethics and a human and affectionate approach, completely oriented towards the person. Year after year, we work to equip our center with cutting-edge technology that allows us to apply minimally invasive innovative treatments. At the same time, we strive to create a warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment that positively influences the experience of visits. Because the responsibility of a dental clinic is to bring well-being in each and every one of its actions. Where you will find a team of professionals passionate about what we do, aware of our responsibility, and working every day to bring you the best dental services so that you consider us YOUR reference clinic, your trusted dentist, where honest and quality dentistry is practiced like always. At ORTHO CLÍNIC REUS, WE OFFER YOU THE FULL RANGE OF DENTAL TREATMENTS YOU MAY NEED, BOTH TO COVER FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC NEEDS, THROUGH CONSERVATIVE APPROACHES. At Ortho Clínic Reus, we specialize in advanced treatments in Surgery and Implantology (bone regeneration, immediate loading, guided surgery), Prosthesis, latest generation Orthodontics, and Aesthetics. We offer last resort solutions, suitable for cases, patients, and needs that are often considered lost. Hello, I am Doctor Alejandro Sotelo, Medical Director, and on my own behalf and on behalf of my colleagues on the Medical Committee and the rest of the clinical professionals, we want to welcome you to Ortho Clínic Reus and thank you for considering us YOUR trusted clinic. The vocation of service has always been the priority throughout my professional and personal life. My medical direction is this great family, a challenge, the challenge of providing excellent service by focusing on making all kinds of elements, tangible or intangible, available to our patients so they feel unique and special. Our patients are the center of our mission, thanks to which they will feel that behind every clinic there is a friendly team they can trust, and that behind every clinic there is a support team working hard to make things go well every second, every minute, every day. And due to this dedication, they finally consider us part of their family, that part of the family that is not given to you but that you choose... Finally, I would like to make clear my professional decalogue, the guidelines of the medical policy that structures our house so that you can have full confidence that you are in the best hands. OPINIONS LIKE THESE ARE THE ENGINE THAT DRIVES US TO GO FURTHER EVERY DAY. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 10am to 2pm and 3pm to 8pm Friday hours: 10am to 2pm We are at your disposal to offer you information and advice.
Motor Tenes
Bienvenidos a Motor Tenes, su taller de reparación de coches de confianza en Bigues i Riells. Nuestro establecimiento, situado en la BV-1435, 7, es un punto de referencia para todos los amantes de los automóviles en la zona. En Motor Tenes nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer un servicio de reparación de alta calidad, utilizando las últimas tecnologías y técnicas para garantizar que su vehículo reciba el mejor cuidado posible. Nuestro equipo de mecánicos altamente cualificados está siempre listo para abordar cualquier problema que pueda surgir en su automóvil, ya sea un mantenimiento básico o una reparación más compleja.
Calsina Carré Transports & Logistics
Calsina Carré Transports & Logistics es una empresa líder en el sector del transporte y la logística, ubicada en Pont de Molins, Camí del Roure, 5. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios, incluyendo grupaje, carga completa, intermodal y servicios especiales para satisfacer todas las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo altamente calificado trabaja para proporcionar soluciones logísticas adaptadas a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Utilizamos software propio para el seguimiento y la trazabilidad de las mercancías, lo que nos permite garantizar un servicio eficiente y seguro en todo momento.
Unik Vacation | Alquiler Vacacional Tarragona
Unik Vacation | Alquiler Vacacional Tarragona es la mejor opción para rentabilizar tu negocio de alquiler vacacional en la Provincia de Tarragona. Nuestro servicio hace que sea increíblemente sencillo para los propietarios alquilar a turistas, ya que no tienen que encargarse de nada más que recibir ingresos cada mes. Con acceso a un área privada desde el login situado a la derecha o debajo, los propietarios pueden ver el rendimiento de su propiedad en tiempo real. Ofrecemos una amplia selección de apartamentos, villas y casas rurales en la Provincia de Tarragona, todos ellos con nuestro sello de calidad y completamente equipados con internet wi-fi de alta velocidad gratuito. La entrada es a partir de las 15 horas y nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas del día.
Cavedo Fernandez Advocats Associats SLP
Cavedo-Fernandez Advocats Associats, SLP, is a law firm founded in 2003 by Mª Àngels Cavedo Demangeot and Eva Fernández González. We have over 20 years of experience and can offer services in multiple areas, as well as having external collaborators that allow us to approach problems from a global perspective. Our mission is to offer quality legal advice tailored to the client, in which support and involvement are the distinctive signs of our firm. Rigor, commitment, dynamism, effectiveness, experience, involvement, and proximity are some of the values that govern our work.
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